How do we as Christians respond to change? Before you answer, “By trusting God,” really—REALLY--- consider the question. What would you do if, suddenly, God asked you to give up something dear to you? This could be losing an educational or sports opportunity, disregarding years of hard work, or even saying goodbye to a loved one.
I recently went through a major change. It was difficult, and I’m not proud of how I responded to God’s plan for me.
230 days.

That’s how long it’s been since my family and I moved from Australia to a small town in Iowa. After 48 exhausting hours in airports and airplanes, everything I knew was gone. I walked down the airport corridor crowded by tired and eager travelers, into the warm July air of the United States. My senses whirled as I faced a new horizon. But all too soon, the shine of joyful ignorance wore off, and reality hit—hard, like blood from a papercut. I imagine it was something like how Ruth felt when she left Moab behind.
Some of you may relate to moving away. But even if you haven’t, I’m sure you’ve experienced some kind of uprooting—switching schools, losing a friend group, or facing an unexpected life shift. And ladies, let’s not forget the immense change we all went through with the arrival of “womanhood.” The point is, change is unavoidable. It’s a fact of life.
The amazing thing? We don’t have to go through it alone.
When we open the Bible, we see that even the mighty King David relied on God in seasons of uncertainty. He cried out in Psalms 13:2b-3, 5 (NIV).
“How long will my enemy triumph over me? Look on me and answer, LORD my God. Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death...
But I trust in Your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in Your salvation.”
The Creator, in His great love, power, and mercy, provides for us daily. King David knew this. As I continue navigating the discomfort of displacement, I am learning to follow David’s example and go to God in all things. He is sovereign, and He has everything under control! Praise God!
So, how do we actually go to God? I have a few suggestions for you. Use the tools God has given us—His Word and prayer.
During the past few months, the Holy Spirit convicted me to read my Bible regularly. And this practice has changed everything! Before, I felt numb in my faith. Moving away from my friends as a teenager wasn’t just hard—it felt like I had lost my foundation. In that season, God taught me what it truly means to rely on Him.
Before, I drew confidence from the world—my friends would hype me up, and together we’d “make an impact.” But God wanted me to become confident in Him. I wouldn’t have learned that lesson unless He grew me through the loss of normalcy—AKA being 9,500 miles from home.
Reading the Word has also deepened my prayer life, which has strengthened and comforted me even more. And trust me—there is so much more growth to come. But I know that my foundation must be the Bible and prayer.
Through this, I’ve drawn closer to God, and He has calmed my heart. Change no longer feels like an inescapable prison. Now, I see it as an opportunity—a stimulus to draw nearer to my loving Father.
God has taken what felt like loss and transformed it into something good--for His glory. How beautiful is that?
So, ladies from all over, I leave you with a few questions to ponder:
Are you allowing the Lord to lead you?
Do you talk to Him and ask for His guidance?
Are you in His Word?
Let’s encourage each other to embrace the tools God has given us. No matter what change comes our way, He is faithful.