Life is full of ups and downs. There are good times and times when life feels incredibly hard. I’ve experienced this personally – like when I lost a close friendship or when my grandma was sick, I was scared what would happen to her. In these times, it’s hard to trust God. It’s hard to see that He cares for us in those moments. Maybe, like me, you’ve wondered why God allows difficult things in our lives or why He seems silent.
But God reminds us in His word, in Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV): “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” It’s important to remember that these hard things are not meant to harm us. God knows what’s best for us--He created us, the world, and the whole universe! God has the power to take the hard things that happen in life and turn them into something good. He can transform our perspective and reveal His good plan even in the midst of hardship.
God already has each of our lives planned out. As Isaiah 14:27 (CEV) says, “I, the Lord All-Powerful, have made these plans. No one can stop me now!” Wow ---nothing can stop God’s plan for your life. We can lean on God and put our full trust in Him. He will not fail us; He never has, and He never will. God’s plan for you and for me is always best. There may be painful and hard days, but He is refining us through those experiences. Even when God seems silent, He is still at work, and He hears you when you call out to Him. You may not always get the response or answer you want, but He is always listening and working things for our good.
I know I need to keep growing my trust and reliance on God. Maybe there are areas of your life you need to do the same.