Resting in the Lord is a daily choice. I have had to learn to choose resting in the Lord over other things.
As a busy highschooler, I often find myself in the same repeat of life - day after day, week after week. I strive to balance schoolwork, working 2 nights a week, being involved in extracurricular activities, and spending time with friends. With all those things in my day, my schedule should still allow for plenty of sleep. But I often wake up exhausted. Over time, I have learned that the root of my exhaustion does not come merely from the hours of sleep I get each night, but from what I am choosing to rest in.

At the end of a long day, I can find myself mindlessly scrolling on social media, wasting time, when I have better things to do. I tell myself that I just want to “rest” for a little bit. But before I know it, it’s late, I should be in bed, but I still have homework to finish. I get frustrated because I’m too tired to complete my homework well and I am way too exhausted to spend time in the Word and with the Lord.
Your challenge may be similar ---a favorite show or movie you enjoy, a book, or a video game. Regardless of what your challenge or distraction is, I will ask you what I’ve asked myself. Are these things adding to the fullness of your life, really bringing you rest, or wasting your time?
In these times where I am tired and feel convicted of not using my time well, I find comfort in Matthew 11:28-30. It says: “Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
He says come to ME. Not go to your phone (or your favorite show, movie, book, video game, etc.). That’s not where you are going to find rest. He says, come to me all who are weary and burdened, and I WILL give you rest.
In Hebrews 4:3 the Lord also promises to give rest to his believers! We get to enter into the rest He has prepared for us! (see the full passage of Hebrews 4:1-7) How great is that!
It’s about choices. This journey of learning and choosing to rest in Him has not been easy. In fact, I am convicted nearly every single day. But just because it’s hard doesn’t mean it’s not worth the fight. Yes, there are still days when I still feel exhausted, but I don’t feel empty. That’s because I am pushing aside the temporary things and am choosing to fill myself with God’s eternal promises, His overflowing love and His rest.
Let your Lord and Savior Jesus be the one that you rest in!
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