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Love & Belonging

Do you ever pick a word of the year? Something you want to focus on? I do. The word I've chosen to focus on this year is belong. A couple of definitions the internet offers on belonging:

  • to be the property of; be the rightful possession of

  • to be a member or part of

  • to have the proper qualifications, especially social qualifications, to be a member of a group

People have an innate need to feel loved and belong. But if you're like me, you have times when you feel unloved, unimportant, or insecure. Maybe you feel unworthy because of your past or because you haven't achieved in the ways you set out to. You are striving and trying to get to a place of connection. Perhaps today you need a reminder that you are already loved and belong to the Lord God.

But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

and you belong to Christ, and Christ belongs to God.

If you have asked Jesus into your heart, you are in Christ! You belong to the One who loves you fiercely and with the most perfect and unending love. God's love is generous and full of grace. We can't earn it. We don't deserve it. It is constant and true. You are worthy of love and belonging to Him today - not if you accomplish or achieve something - but just as you are.

It's hard to fathom, a love so great, isn't it? But it's true. God sent His Son, the pure and spotless Lamb, to walk the earth and live a life free of sin, and yet, take on our sin. He bore death on the cross for us – to cover our sin. Such grace and love – amazing! He did this because He loves us and wants a relationship with us. With such a great sacrifice, you would think there's no room for doubts. But I’m human and forget at times to Whom I belong and how great His love is for me.

I allow myself to be distracted by the world and all that it offers. Things that are temporary and fleeting. Things that aren’t fulfilling and eternal. And so, I need to remind myself of His great love for me and that connection with Him needs to be my utmost concern. Selecting a word of the year is how I remind myself of this priority. Here are additional ways I remind myself of His great love and His truths:

  • Digging into His Word daily

  • Memorizing Bible verses

  • Posting reminders on my mirror and fridge of what He says

  • Repeating Biblical truths when I start doubting

  • Listening to music like this song

  • Praying and asking God to remind me of His love for me

I want you to know God desires to be in a relationship with you, too. To be your salvation, your hope, and your place of belonging. You can pray and ask Him right now:

Heavenly Father, I need You. I need Your grace, Your kindness, Your love. Thank You for calling me to You. I trust in You. I believe in You. Remove my doubts and fears. Forgive my sins. I know Jesus’ death on the cross was for me. I receive the gift of salvation through Your Son. Invade every part of me - every dark corner - and bring it to light. Help me to know You more, trust You more, and find my peace in You.

How do you remind yourself you belong to the Lord? Feel free to comment below.

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