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Collins Nessa

Be a Sweet-Smelling Aroma

I had the privilege of attending a girls retreat recently. The theme was “#SMELLGOOD”. This was based on 2 Corinthians 2:14-17. The theme verse explains that God uses us to spread His word (the Bible) everywhere we go. We are to share about Him and His love for us. When we spread the love of God to those around us, we are like a sweet-smelling perfume.

During the retreat we had three main speakers. The first speaker focused on the question, “What is the Aroma of Christ?” I learned that the Aroma of Christ is sweet-smelling. It’s not sour, bitter or harsh. We, too, can be a sweet aroma. This starts by believing in the Word of God and accepting Jesus as our Savior. Then we have the opportunity to share Him with those we encounter – and be the aroma of Christ to them.

The second speaker taught about how we need to have Jesus in our lives. She shared how important it is to stay close to Him. I learned that God truly wants to know what is on my heart and wants to help me. I was reminded that God loves me, forgives me, and will never give up on me or reject me. In fact, He is delighted in me and sings over me! (see Zephaniah 3:17)

The final speaker shared how important it is to have good “Gospel Friends.” She spoke about 6 characteristics that make someone a “Gospel Friend”. This includes:

1) Both of you loving God first

2) You encourage each other in what God is asking of you

3) You comfort and encourage one another

4) You work together to share Jesus with others

5) You help each other out

6) You work to forgive and move past old offenses

This session really got me thinking. Do I have “Gospel Friends” in my life? After reflecting on this, I do believe I have this with a few close friends. I am truly grateful for these supportive and encouraging friendships! I also know the characteristics listed above are important traits for me to have as I continue to build friendships, too. I want to HAVE these types of friends and BE this type of friend to others. I want to encourage my friends, be there for them, and forgive when needed. I want to be a sweet smelling “Aroma of Christ” to them and those around me. How can you be a sweet-smelling aroma to those around you today?

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1 comentário

Samantha Doering Winn
Samantha Doering Winn
16 de set. de 2023

Thanks, Collins, for this great summary of the teachings at the retreat and your invitation for us to think about being a sweet-smelling aroma and gospel friend. I am so grateful for all the time and work you and the other teen leaders put in to make the retreat so special. It was a wonderful, uplifting day, even for ladies a few decades older than you :).

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