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Who We Are

Collectively, we are a community of women who are passionate about Jesus and pursuing the presence of God. We believe that one encounter with Abba Father can change everything. Out of encountering Him, we are to admonish and teach so that we may present all people complete in Christ.

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Cary Valdes

Executive Administrator

Cary is a former missionary to college students at the University of Florida and the people of Guatemala. She and her husband, Eddie have served in ministry since 1993. From youth leader to church planter, Cary has been passionate about discipling and teaching God’s Word to every generation, all for the glory of God! She is co-founder and Executive Administrator of Women of Renewal. She also works in the financial investment industry and enjoys serving her clients.You can find her during her favorite season, summer, either at the lakes or riding her teal beach cruiser. She is thankful to be married to her hubby since 1988 and together they have three adult children, son-in-laws, and a granddaughter.  

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Kristyn Howe

Bible Study Leader

Kristyn has been gifted with many talents. She is a former elementary school teacher, stay-at-home mom, and now the lead baker at a local gourmet bakery. Kristyn is passionate about her big God and His Word! She loves to lead women in studying the Bible and showing hospitality to whoever God puts in her path. Kristyn is also co-founder and Bible Study Leader for Women of Renewal. She is married to her husband, Sean and together they have four adult children and two grandsons - all who delight her heart and keep her joyfully busy.

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Bethany Schuller

Administrative Leader

Bethany has been involved in her church as a Sunday School teacher, GEMS leader, and a couple’s Bible Study facilitator. Bethany is co-founder and Administrative Leader for Women of Renewal, plus our social media content creator. She works as a Travel Agent and takes special interest in assisting groups for mission trips, school trips, as well as vacation getaways. Bethany is a loyal friend, secret keeper and serious about praying for others. Bethany and her husband, Shannon have two daughters and a son. They enjoy warmer weather to be able to swim, fish, bike, and have campfires at home.

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Jodi Acres

Administrative Leader

Jodi serves as an Administrative Leader for Women of Renewal and assists with the Fundraising and Finance Team. She is passionate about Bible Studies, hiding God's Word in her heart, and having it transform her and other’s minds. She has a servant heart and is fueled by encouraging others. In her free time she loves volunteering at her church’s food pantry and leading Bible studies. She enjoys her professional career as a Lead Executive Assistant at an engineering company. Jodi is also an A-list editor! She has a passion for words and getting them to create something inspirational. 

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Sam Winn

Prayer Leader

Samantha, known to most as “Sam,” has been passionate about the Word of God since her teens. She enjoys life-giving conversations with people, and delights in praying with others. She is excited to see and celebrate the work of God in His creation, including His transformative work in the lives of people. Leading Bible studies gives her a front row seat to see and hear what God is doing. Sam has served in a variety of educational settings and roles, from church nursery volunteer to university academic support. One of the greatest educational and nurturing roles Sam has embraced is being a mother to three adult children that God entrusted to her and her husband, Bob.  

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Estelle Freeman

Bible Study Leader

Estelle has been involved in women’s ministries for many years at her churches in San Diego and Colorado Springs. She loves facilitating women’s Bible studies and has a deep passion for the Word. She is a faithful prayer warrior and has a heart for intentional relationships with women. Retired from 27 years in the Criminal Courts of San Diego, she now enjoys volunteering with Guiding Star and WOR. She married Chuck in 1990, and together they have two adult children and grandchildren. She is an avid reader, reading about 125 books a year, mostly fiction. But her favorite book of all time is the Bible!




We believe in the absolute necessity of regeneration by the Holy Spirit for salvation because of the exceeding sinfulness of human nature, and that all are justified on the single ground of faith in the shed blood of Christ, and that only by God’s grace, through faith alone, are we saved. 

We believe the whole Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative, inerrant Word of God.

We believe there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 

We believe in the deity of Christ; His virgin birth; His sinless life; His miracles; His vicarious and atoning death; His Resurrection; His ascension to the right hand of the Father; and His personal return to earth in power and glory.   

We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of life, and they that are not, unto the resurrection of damnation.

We believe in the present work of the Holy Spirit in a Christian to live a godly life. We believe the Holy Spirit is an abiding Helper, Teacher, Reminder, and Guide. We believe the Holy Spirit exercises all of the biblical gifts of the Spirit as reflected through the fruit of that same Spirit.

We believe in a devil called satan who, along with fallen angels, called demons, is destined to spend eternity in hell, and who now seeks to deceive and accuse the believers and defeat the work of God. We believe satan can be resisted by believers who are indwelt by the Holy Spirit, protected by God, and interceded for by Jesus our Lord.

We believe the only true basis of Christian fellowship is Christ’s (agape) love, which is greater than any difference we possess, and without which we have no right to claim ourselves Christians. 

We believe that marriage is between a woman and a man. 

We reject doctrinal viewpoints, prosperity teachings, or spiritual phenomena, which are based solely on experience or cultural outlook. We look to the Word of God for the basis of our faith and practice.


Our vision is to lead others so that they know how to follow Jesus every day. We aim to do this through encouragement and teaching them how to love His Word, prepare for the return of Christ, and share the Good News of Salvation to all.




  • Teen Girls Summer Refresh: A Night of Fun, Faith, and Fellowship

  • Teen Bible Study Summer "Rooted to Rise"

  • Winter Bible Study "If God is for Us" by Trillia Newbell

  • Bible Study "Who Do You Say I Am?" by Becky Harling

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